The BENEFITS of Axe Throwing for Mental & Emotional Health, ADHD, and Stress

Axe throwing may seem like an unconventional activity for improving mental and emotional health, but it has been proven to be a highly beneficial and therapeutic pastime. This ancient Viking activity has been gaining popularity in recent years, with dedicated axe throwing venues popping up all over the world. And while it may be seen as simply a fun and exciting sport, the benefits of axe throwing go much deeper.

Mental and Emotional Health: Axe throwing can be a great outlet for releasing built-up tension, stress, and frustration. The physical act of throwing an axe at a target allows for a cathartic release – much like the feeling of punching a pillow. This is particularly beneficial for those who struggle with anger management or have pent-up emotions. The repetitive action of throwing the axe can also have a calming effect on the mind, providing a sense of focus and mindfulness. This can be helpful for those dealing with anxiety or racing thoughts.

Moreover, axe throwing requires concentration and strategy, which promotes the development of problem-solving skills and improves cognitive function. This can be especially beneficial for individuals with conditions such as depression or bipolar disorder, as it can help to improve their overall mood and boost self-esteem.
We all have those down days, and this is where axe throwing is perfect for relieving that stress and anxiety.
ADHD: Axe throwing can provide a physical outlet for individuals with ADHD. As a high-energy and often impulsive condition, ADHD can cause individuals to feel restless and antsy. Axe throwing allows them to release pent-up energy and use their body in a controlled and purposeful manner. This can lead to increased self-regulation and a sense of calm, which can be incredibly beneficial for individuals with ADHD. Axe throwing is also a social activity that can help individuals with ADHD develop interpersonal skills. It provides an opportunity to engage in friendly competition, communicate with others, and work on teamwork. This can be especially beneficial for children with ADHD, as it can help them develop social skills early on.

Additionally, axe throwing can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when hitting the target, helping to boost self-confidence. This can be especially helpful for individuals with ADHD, who may struggle with low self-esteem due to their condition.

Stress Relief: Life can be stressful, and finding healthy ways to cope with stress is crucial for our overall well-being. Axe throwing can be an excellent form of stress relief as it allows for a release of tension and provides a sense of empowerment. The physical and mental focus required can also help to clear the mind and reduce stress levels. Additionally, participating in a fun and challenging activity with friends or loved ones can help to alleviate the symptoms of stress and improve overall mood.

In conclusion, it is clear that axe throwing has numerous benefits for mental and emotional health, ADHD, and stress relief. Not only does it provide a fun and unique experience, but it also has therapeutic qualities that can significantly contribute to our overall well-being. So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, consider picking up an axe and heading to your nearest axe throwing venue for a much-needed release.

Is Axe Throwing Competitive?

Axe throwing has gained immense popularity in recent years, with dedicated arenas and competitions taking place all over the world. This seemingly simple sport involves throwing an axe at a target, with the goal of hitting the bulls-eye for maximum points. But behind this seemingly casual activity lies a world of fierce competition and dedicated training, making it one of the most competitive sports out there.

One of the reasons for the competitiveness of axe throwing is the level of skill and precision that is required to excel in the sport. Unlike darts or other similar target games, axe throwing requires a powerful and accurate throw, making it a challenging sport to master. This level of difficulty attracts many individuals looking for a new challenge and the opportunity to push themselves to their limits.

Moreover, axe throwing is also highly competitive due to its straightforward and no-frills nature. Unlike other sports that require expensive equipment or training facilities, axe throwing can be practiced anywhere with a suitable target and axe. This accessibility makes it a popular choice for individuals looking to compete at a grassroots level, leading to a larger pool of talented players and a more competitive environment.
In addition to the physical skills required, axe throwing also relies heavily on mental focus and strategic thinking. Competitors need to analyze their throwing techniques, understand the velocity and trajectory of their throws, and constantly adapt to changing conditions. This mental aspect adds another layer of complexity to the sport, making it a challenging and highly competitive activity.

Furthermore, axe throwing has also gained recognition as a professional sport, with numerous organized leagues and international championships taking place. The World Axe Throwing League (WATL), founded in 2017, has over 100 locations in 14 different countries and offers players the chance to compete at a global level. The standardization and professionalism of these leagues have elevated the competitiveness of axe throwing and put the sport on the map for serious athletes.

In conclusion, axe throwing may seem like a casual activity, but it has evolved into a highly competitive sport that demands a unique set of skills and determination from its players. As more and more individuals discover the thrill of this sport, we can expect the competition to continue to grow, pushing players to new heights and solidifying axe throwing’s place as a legitimate and exciting sport. So next time you pick up an axe, remember that you are not just throwing it for fun – you are embarking on a journey of intense competition.

Footballers can BENEFIT from Axe Throwing – Here’s How

Axe throwing has gained significant popularity in recent years, with individuals and even groups participating in this unique and exhilarating sport. While it may seem like a recreational activity, many people do not know that axe throwing can also bring a range of benefits to other activities, particularly sports. One sport in particular that can reap the rewards of axe throwing is football. In this article, we’ll delve into the ways axe throwing can improve a footballer’s game.

Firstly, axe throwing involves precision and control. In order to get the axe to stick in the target, players must have precise throwing mechanics and hand-eye coordination. These skills can easily transfer over to the football field, where a player needs to accurately pass, shoot or even goal keep. By fine-tuning their throwing skills through axe throwing, footballers can develop better accuracy in their passes and shots, leading to increased success on the field.

Secondly, axe throwing can enhance a footballer’s physical strength and endurance. Spending time throwing axes repeatedly strengthens the muscles in the arms, shoulders, and back. This can prove beneficial for footballers who need to have strong upper bodies to perform well on the field. In addition, participating in axe throwing can improve cardiovascular fitness and stamina, allowing players to last longer and perform better during a game.
Furthermore, axe throwing can provide a way for footballers to de-stress and clear their minds. The intense concentration required for axe throwing can serve as a form of meditation, helping players to focus and reduce any anxiety or stress they may be feeling. In a high-pressure sport like football, it is essential for players to have a clear and calm mind in order to make quick and split-second decisions. Axe throwing can cultivate these mental skills and provide a way for players to unwind after a grueling practice or game.

Moreover, participating in axe throwing as a team-building activity can also improve a football team’s chemistry. By working alongside each other and supporting one another in a new and challenging environment, players can develop a stronger bond and improve their communication skills. This can translate to the football field, where strong teamwork and communication are key to success.

In conclusion, axe throwing is not just a fun activity, but it also offers many benefits for footballers. From improving precision and coordination to enhancing physical strength and mental focus, this unique sport can serve as a valuable training tool for footballers looking to take their game to the next level. Moreover, it can also provide a fun and engaging team-building experience. So why not give axe throwing a try and see the positive impact it can have on your football game?

The Health BENEFITS of Axe Throwing!

Axe throwing may seem like an unconventional and even dangerous activity, but it is actually gaining popularity as a recreational sport. And while it may seem like just a fun way to release some stress, there are actually many health benefits associated with axe throwing. So put down your video games and take a swing at this exciting activity, because here are some real world facts about the health benefits of axe throwing.

First and foremost, axe throwing is a great form of physical exercise. When you throw an axe, you are engaging multiple muscle groups in your arms, shoulders, and back. This can help improve your upper body strength, as well as your hand-eye coordination. Additionally, the repetitive motion of throwing an axe can also help improve your grip strength, which is important for everyday tasks like opening jars and carrying heavy objects.

In addition to physical benefits, axe throwing also has a positive impact on mental health. Like most physical activities, axe throwing releases endorphins in the brain, which are chemicals that help boost mood and reduce stress levels. In fact, studies have shown that engaging in axe throwing can provide similar benefits to regular exercise, such as reduced anxiety and improved overall well-being.

Another interesting benefit of axe throwing is its meditative effect. When you are intensely focused on hitting a target with an axe, it can help quiet the mind and bring a sense of calm. This can be especially beneficial for those who struggle with anxiety or ADHD. The sense of accomplishment that comes from hitting a target can also help boost self-confidence and self-esteem.
There is definitely noticeable health benefits to throwing an axe.
Additionally, axe throwing can be a great social activity. Many axe throwing facilities offer group packages, making it a fun and unique experience to share with friends and family. Social interactions have been linked to better mental health and a stronger sense of community, so spending time with loved ones while engaging in an activity like axe throwing can have numerous positive effects on overall well-being.

Furthermore, axe throwing can also be a form of stress relief. Just like punching a punching bag or screaming into a pillow, the physical release of throwing an axe can help release pent-up tension. In a safe and controlled environment, axe throwing can provide a healthy outlet for anger, frustration, or any other negative emotions.

In conclusion, axe throwing may seem like a risky or even silly activity, but the truth is that it has numerous health benefits. From improving physical strength and coordination to boosting mental health and providing a fun social experience, axe throwing is an activity that can positively impact both the mind and body. So next time you’re looking for a unique and healthy way to spend your time, grab an axe and give it a throw! Your body and mind will thank you.

Is Axe Throwing a good activity for your PARTY?

Gone are the days of traditional party games like charades or board games. Look no further than axe throwing! Today, people are searching for more thrilling and memorable experiences to celebrate special occasions. And that’s where axe throwing comes in. This unconventional activity has gained popularity in recent years and has become a must-try activity for all sorts of parties.

From teen birthday parties to bachelorette and bachelor parties, axe throwing is the perfect activity for all types of celebrations. So, what makes axe throwing such a great party activity? Let’s take a closer look.

Firstly, it’s a great way to release stress and pent-up energy. Let’s face it, parties can sometimes be overwhelming and chaotic, especially with a large group of people. So why not channel all that energy into something productive and fun? Throwing axes at a target can be a great way to release any built-up tension and provide the much-needed adrenaline rush.

Additionally, axe throwing is a fantastic team-building activity. It requires a certain level of coordination and communication to hit the target accurately. As you work together with your friends to perfect your aim, you’ll also be strengthening your bond and creating unforgettable memories. Axe throwing is also a great equalizer. It doesn’t matter if you’re an athlete or not, everyone has an equal chance of hitting the bullseye. This makes it an ideal activity for parties with people of different ages and abilities. It’s all about technique, not strength, and everyone can learn it with a little practice.

Moreover, axe throwing is a unique and Instagram-worthy experience. Let’s be honest; we all want to post fun and exciting pictures on our social media. And what better way to do that than with an axe in hand, hitting a bullseye? It’s a sure-fire way to make your party stand out and have your friends talking about it for days.

Parties with axe throwing are an experience to never forget!
Furthermore, axe throwing facilities often have a party area or a private room where you can celebrate after the activity. This gives you and your friends a chance to relax, enjoy some snacks and drinks, and relish in each other’s company while reflecting on the fun you just had.

But don’t worry; if you’re concerned about safety, axe throwing facilities have trained instructors who will guide you through the process and ensure that everyone follows safety protocols. Many venues also offer a brief tutorial before you start, so you’ll feel comfortable handling the axes.

In conclusion, axe throwing is a great party activity that caters to all types of parties and groups. It’s a fun and unique way to celebrate special occasions while also providing a much-needed release and team-building opportunity. So, the next time you’re planning a party, consider adding axe throwing to the list of activities. Trust us; your friends will thank you for it.

Bring Axe Throwing To Your Holiday Park and INCREASE Your Revenue!

Are you seeking ways to enhance the experience for your guests and differentiate your holiday park from others? In an increasingly competitive market, it is important to continuously innovate and offer unique activities that will attract new visitors and keep them coming back for more. With this in mind, have you considered introducing the incredible activity of axe throwing to your holiday park?

Axe throwing may seem like an unconventional activity for a holiday park, but it is gaining popularity and has become a sought-after form of entertainment. It offers an adrenaline-filled, immersive experience that appeals to a wide range of individuals and groups, making it a perfect addition to your park’s activity portfolio. The benefits that axe throwing would bring to your park are significant.

Axe throwing has a wide appeal and attracts a diverse range of people. It appeals to thrill-seekers, families, groups of friends, and even corporate teams looking for team building activities. By introducing axe throwing to your park, you can tap into this growing market and attract a new segment of visitors who are looking for unique and exciting experiences.

Of course, one of the main selling points of holiday parks is the ability to provide guests with a wide range of activities and experiences. Adding axe throwing to your park’s offerings will add another exciting element to your guests’ experience. The thrill of throwing an axe and hitting the bullseye is a memorable experience that will leave a lasting impression on your guests and make your park stand out from the rest.

A CGI-rendering of an Axe Throwing Solutions two-lane hut, featuring optional TimberJacks branding.
Moreover, in today’s society, where most leisure activities involve passive, sedentary pursuits, axe throwing provides a great opportunity for physical activity. It is a full-body workout that requires strength, coordination, and concentration. In addition, axe throwing is known to promote mental well-being by reducing stress and improving focus.

Importantly, introducing axe throwing to your park can be a great source of additional revenue. Guests can pay a fee to participate in the activity, and your park can also offer a variety of packages to cater to different group sizes and budgets. Furthermore, the introduction of axe throwing can also increase the length of stay for guests, as they may want to spend more time at your park to fully experience all it has to offer.

You can rely on Axe Throwing Solutions to provide a bespoke solution, including everything needed to set up axe throwing huts at your park. Our huts are designed to be durable and require minimal maintenance, making it a hassle-free venture for park owners. This allows you to focus on providing your guests with a fun and safe axe throwing experience, without having to worry about the set-up and maintenance.

In conclusion, introducing axe throwing to your holiday park through Axe Throwing Solutions is a win-win situation. It will not only attract a new and diverse customer base but also enhance the overall guest experience, promote physical activity, and boost revenue. With all these benefits, it is clear that axe throwing is a valuable addition to any holiday park. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your park to the next level and partner with Axe Throwing Solutions today – contact us for further information and any enquiries.

5 reasons why AXE THROWING is BETTER than ten-pin bowling

Ten-pin bowling and axe throwing are two popular activities that offer a fun and exciting way to spend time with friends and family. While bowling has undoubtedly been a staple activity for decades across the world, its time is up, as axe throwing has recently gained popularity and took the crown. While both activities have their own merits, here are FIVE reasons why axe throwing is a better and more enjoyable activity to do than bowling.

1. A More Unique and Thrilling Experience

Bowling, though fun, can become repetitive and monotonous after a few rounds. On the other hand, axe throwing offers a more unique and adrenaline-filled experience. Throwing an axe at a target requires physical strength, skill, and concentration, making it a thrilling and challenging activity. It also offers a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when you hit the bullseye.

2. Affordable Fun for All

While bowling may seem like a cheaper option, it can add up quickly with extras such as shoe rentals. On the other hand, axe throwing is usually a one-time fee per person in most venues around the world, making it an affordable option for group activities. Some axe throwing venues also allow outside food and drinks, making it a cost-effective activity for a night out with friends.
Much more satisfaction can be had by hitting a bullseye than a strike!
3. Great for Stress Relief

In today’s fast-paced and hectic world, finding ways to de-stress is crucial for our mental health. Axe throwing provides a great outlet for releasing pent up stress and tension. The physical aspect of the activity also helps to release endorphins, improving overall mood and reducing stress levels.

4. It’s Less Clichéd and More Interesting

Going on a date? Taking the family out for a treat? Trying to impress your friends? Going ten-pin bowling has been the cliche for many years, whereas announcing to your friends, family or date that you are taking them axe throwing is certain to spark excitement and bewilderment.

5. A Social Activity That Builds Bonds

Bowling may have a social aspect, but axe throwing takes it to the next level. The small groups allowed in an axe throwing lane create a more intimate and personal experience for friends and family. Additionally, the friendly competition and cheering each other on create a strong bond and a sense of camaraderie among the participants.

In conclusion, while both bowling and axe throwing offer a fun and enjoyable experience, axe throwing edges out bowling as a better and more enjoyable activity. Its unique and thrilling experience, affordability, stress-relieving benefits, inclusivity, and ability to build strong bonds make it a must-try activity for anyone looking for a fun and exciting time.

Is Axe Throwing SAFE?

‘Is axe throwing safe?’ is one of our most commonly asked questions. As axe throwing has gained popularity in recent years, many people may naturally be apprehensive about the safety of this activity. After all, the mere thought of throwing a sharpened axe towards a target can seem dangerous. But the reality is that, when practiced correctly and with proper safety measures in place, axe throwing can be a perfectly safe activity.

First and foremost, all reputable axe throwing venues have strict safety protocols in place. They provide safety briefings before each session, where trained instructors teach participants how to properly hold and throw an axe, as well as important safety rules. Additionally, most venues have steel-caged throwing lanes to prevent axes from straying off course. These precautionary measures make the experience much safer for participants, and contain any risk of bounce-outs or stray axes to a safe area.

Moreover, axe throwing is not as easy as it looks. It takes skills, technique, and proper form to throw an axe accurately and effectively. It is often said that the act of throwing an axe requires a combination of balance, coordination, and precision, making it a challenging and rewarding activity for adults. This means that, while there is always a risk of accidents with any activity, the chances of an injury due to axe throwing are very low.
Axe throwing is perfectly safe, especially when practised in safe, contained environments such as Axe Throwing Solutions' Mobile Axe Throwing Trailer.
It is also worth mentioning that axe throwing has been around for centuries and is a popular sport in many countries, including Canada, where it has been played for decades. This indicates that, with proper supervision and the right safety measures in place, it is a safe and enjoyable activity for people of all ages. In fact, many people comment positively on the stress-relieving benefits of axe throwing and the sense of accomplishment that comes with hitting the target.

In conclusion, while the idea of throwing axes may seem daunting, the reality is that, when done correctly, it is a relatively safe activity. With trained instructors, strict safety protocols, and the right equipment, axe throwing is an enjoyable and rewarding experience. So, if you’re considering giving it a try, don’t let safety concerns stop you. Just be sure to choose a reputable axe throwing venue and follow the rules, and you will likely have a fun and safe time.

TimberJacks close to securing NEW venue in Scarborough

Timberjacks are currently in late stage discussions to bring on board a new partner venue in Scarborough. If successful, the new venue will become fully operational in early April, aligned with the seasonal trade surge that Scarborough experiences due to its coastal location. The intended venture aims to introduce a range of outdoor axe throwing huts operating under the Timberjacks brand. Additional updates regarding this development will be shared progressively over the upcoming weeks as more information becomes available.

Scarborough is a picturesque traditional seaside town in North Yorkshire, which sees over two million visitors per year. (Photo credit: Wendy Mann/Flickr)

EARN £50k operating a weekend mobile Axe Throwing business!

The keyword here is “mobile axe throwing,” which refers to the practice of setting up an axe throwing experience at various locations for specific periods of time during a limited part of the year. There is a growing demand for such services during these months when people are seeking unique entertainment options for their special occasions or gatherings.


Owning and operating a mobile axe throwing trailer can potentially earn you an annual income of around £50k by solely working on weekends. Due to the fact that most mobile axe throwing activities are scheduled over the weekend, this business opportunity presents itself as a supplemental source of income for individuals aiming to boost their earnings from Monday through Friday. Timberjacks is particularly well-versed in catering to the demand within the mobile axe throwing market and has successfully established and nurtured a robust online platform for generating leads throughout the UK.

Really you ask, well what if we said that this can be earned through just 8 months of the year too. It’s true, mobile axe throwing typically trades between March and October. Mobile axe throwing events vary from weddings and private parties, to corporate events and the lucrative festival scene. Timberjacks presently cater to 60 small to medium sized festivals every year and twice this amount in private events. It’s safe to say we know quite a bit about the mobile axe throwing market.


So if earning upwards of £50k interests you, then we would be glad to engage in a conversation regarding the operational details and branding partnership we have to offer. By reaching out to us with a brief message, you will initiate the start of your axe throwing journey – fun times ahead!